Hey There!
I am, firstly, an expression of the divine just like you, and a mother of a beautiful 9 year old angel. I am a medium, channeler, frequency transmitter, and yoga educator. I am also the founder of Conscious Humanity, a platform dedicated to healing, education, and self-awareness. Originally from Ecuador, my journey led me to establish this platform, drawing upon universal knowledge from various traditions I've studied over the years. My primary goal is to create a space that not only provides authentic and potent healthcare but also functions as a center for learning and self-discovery. My mission revolves around raising awareness of the vital connection between Mother Earth and the composition of our minds, a connection that plays an empirical role in co-creating and harmonizing our existence. Central to this mission is the exploration of autonomy through self-awareness and the use of herbal, plant and elemental medicine.
Doménica Velasco
Tad About Me
My path began at a young age when I realized I have an intuitive sight, an ability I initially found overwhelming and somewhat frightening. Even as a shy 6 year old, I prayed for encounters with 'spirits' in the hope of helping them. Over time, I began seeing spirits more frequently, yet I remained unsure about how to navigate these experiences. In later years, I learned to harness and develop this gift, receiving guidance and training from various masters, psychics, and healers. Their influence enabled me to transform my extra sensorial perception into a healing art that I could use to benefit both myself and others.
Among the many influences that have shaped me, my time living under the teachings of Swami Sankarananda stands out. He is a peace pilgrim who embarked on a two-year journey across the USA. During my time with him, I gained essential knowledge that fostered a heart-centered approach to life and served as a foundation for my path as a Yoga educator. Another pivotal experience in my journey was my time with the Mayan Shaman Abuelo Antonio Oxté in the ancient Maya village of Sisbicchén, Mexico. He operates a small clinic specializing in assisting souls in their healing journeys through plant medicine. Additionally, he employs a technique known as 'Pudzyah,' a Mayan term signifying the removal and transformation of pain into love at the cellular level. This technique harmonizes one's DNA by applying fractal geometry energy-Source. These experiences, along with encounters with many other healers and remarkable individuals, have significantly contributed to my growth and transformation.
Behind the Scenes

I want to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to a true leader who has played an integral role in the success of Conscious Humanity. His support, professional advice, and constant inspiration are what have helped me get to where I am today. I am especially grateful for his unwavering commitment to our common vision, which has been an inspiration to many. I look forward to his continued support and guidance as we move forward towards an even brighter future.
Lyndon Heyburgh
Founder of Ang3l Chain and Co-Founder of Beyond Entrepreneurs Digital